Rental service

Farmacia San Lorenzo offers a remarkable medical equipment rental service. For the booking’s managing you can contact us by phone call or Whatsapp message.

Deposit: 15 euros

Rental cost: 0,50 euros per day

Deposit: 15 euros

Rental cost: 0,50 euros per day

Deposit: 100 euros

Rental cost: 0,50 euros per day

Deposit: 300 euros

Rental cost: 2 euros per day

Deposit: 50 euros

Rental cost: 1 euro per day

Phone 3409684461

Phone 3409684461

Exams and tests

Farmacia San Lorenzo offers to its customers a complete service of self-analysis and it includes:
blood tests, cardiology, streptococcus bacillus, pregnancy and urine tests. Consult each section to have all the information. To manage your booking you can contact us by phone call or by message on Whatsapp.

The self analysis can be done from 8.30am to 12.30 am and the client has to fast.

Lypidic self analysis
Cost: 17,00 euros

Glycemic self analysis
Glycaemia’s measurement – Cost: 17,00 euros
Glycated hemoglobin measurement – Cost: 13,00 euros

An appointment is required to sustain the analysis.

Cost: 35,00 euros

Cardiac holter
Cost: 60,00 euros

Pressure holter
Cost: 50,00 euros

After booking, the test can be sustained any time of the day. It is better to arrive to the pharmacy one hour before or in advance of a meal.

Cost: 12,00 euros

After the booking you need to come to the pharmacy with a container filled with the first morning’s urine.

Cost: 15,00 euros

Through this analysis you can measure the creatinine contained in the urine. You need to come to the pharmacy with the first morning urine.

Cost: 10,00 euros

Food intolerance tests are available during normal opening hours.

Food intolerance test

57 food extracts, quick results in just 2 hours, analysis and interpretation of the results by our professional nutritionist directly on location included in the price of the test         120,00 Euros

Intestinal dysbiosis test

60,00  Euros

Phone 3409684461

Phone 3409684461

Free services and medical advice

The pharmacy offers to the clients some free consultations. For some of them it is required to book.

Once a week, normally on Wednesdays.

Booking is required.

Once a month.

Booking is required.

Once a month.

Booking is required.

Every day from 9.30 to 12.30 and in the afternoon from 15.30 to 19.00.

Booking is required.

This service is free and always available during the opening hours of the pharmacy.

The body-impedance meter test consists in a free fat mass-fat mass-water retention measurement. We also offer weight measurement for infants.

From 9.00 to 13.00.

Phone 3409684461

Phone 3409684461


Farmacia San Lorenzo sells and provides drugs and food for veterinary use from various different suppliers.


Farmacia San Lorenzo sells and provides homeopathic drugs.


At Farmacia San Lorenzo you can find a wide selection of herbal medicinal products and herbal food supplements to solve small health issues.

Ear piercing

At Farmacia San Lorenzo you can have your ears pierced from 9.00 am to 1.00 pm and from 3.00pm to 7.00pm.

The service costs 22 euros.

Pharmatruck home delivery

Thanks to the collaboration with you can have your order delivered at home within 2 hours since the order.

The service costs 3,50 euros.


You can pay with your smartphone, using the current promotions, using Satispay app.

Condom dispenser

An automatic condom dispenser is always available outside the pharmacy.

Baby pit-stop

We provide a safe space for moms who need to change diapers or/and breastfeed their babies.

Club Salute

Free bimonthly newspaper “Club Salute” always available at Farmacia San Lorenzo.  

Sapere Salute

Farmacia San Lorenzo joined the project “Sapere e Salute”.  

Expired drugs separate collection - Colon screening project

Expired drugs separate collection
Expired drugs’ binder always available at the pharmacy

Colon screening project
Farmacia San Lorenzo joins Regione Lombardia’s project, which aims to program a regular colon screening.